Object editor

Scope of functions

The object editor is an administrative tab available for all objects in the Conigma Repository Browser. Due to its administrative function, the tab is only visible for Conigma administrators and is usually located at the last tab page position.

The object editor offers the following functionality.

  • Direct editing of serialized objects

  • Display and restore previous object versions

  • Display current and historical object links

The following information can be viewed in the object editor:

  1. Information about the object status, internal and external ID. The use of the Internal and External ID is custom-specific and does not necessarily have to be filled. For example, for Change Request it is common to use an ID from a previous system as External ID, if such an ID exists.

  2. All object versions with timestamp and last changed by. The object versions in the selection list are sorted by date in descending order, so that the current version is always at the beginning. If an object version is selected from the drop-down list, the information is updated in the text editor.

  3. Outbound object links from the current object. For example, in the case of a change request, outgoing object links refer to transport requests or child change requests.

  4. Inbound object links from the current object. For a change request, inbound object links can refer to parent change requests, import containers or project structure elements or other objects.

  5. The serialized object in text form. Conigma objects are always instances of a class, e.g. Change Requests are instances of class /GAL/CCM_CRO_SWFM_CR, which can be displayed via transaction SE24. Serialized means that the converted instance attributes are displayed as key-value pairs in the text editor. For a Change Request, for example, the attribute "PARTNER_RELATIONS" exists, which is defined as a table and contains all partner relationships of the Change Request. Tables are serialized with a running index in square brackets, where the index starts at 0 and its components are separated by a dot ".", see screenshot above. Structure components are also separated with a dot "." and attributes with elementary data types are serialized with the same name as the attribute name, e.g. "PRIORITY=3". However, not all attributes of an object instance are visible in the text editor in serialized form. This is the case, for example, if the attributes contain an object reference or contain dynamic information that is only determined when the object is instantiated.