Copy mode

You use copy mode after the production system has been copied to the QA system to restore the delta software status in the QA system that was lost during the copy. 

The copy mode uses the import history data of the copy source (SID) and the copy target (SID). The necessary information is obtained via standard SAP modules. To import the data, you must specify the system ID of the copy source and copy target.
Optionally, a reference date can be specified. Enter a date before the previous system copy as the reference date. If no date is specified, the complete import history is used.
If the imported system copy was created a long time ago, the date of the system copy creation must be entered under "System copy date". Otherwise, it is assumed that the imported system copy was created recently.
The necessary information is obtained via the log files ALOG*. These files are located in the "log" subdirectory of the transport directory. The individual return codes of all transport steps are recorded in the ALOG file.